Sunday, November 02, 2008

DIY WiFi Antenna

Today, I went to my sister's place and we were talking about the mamak restaurant down the road has wifi access.

I suggested we experiment with a setup, i knew it would work. We sacrificed one aluminium work cover, then tie it as a collector for the wifi signal. After adjusting the focus point, we managed to get somewhere 65% signal quality and about 30% signal strength. That's it! and we got connected!

We are connected at about 2mbps and that should be more than enough!

From DIY_Wifi

From DIY_Wifi

From DIY_Wifi


Taufik said...

berapa jauh rumah dia dari kedai mamak tuh? Nampak ke AP dari rumah tuh?

azmi said...

AP tak nampak.. tapi dalam 800m la kot. Since the house is elevated, its so much better in the reception, compared to a situation where both stations are at ground level.

Dont need a ham to know that, right! :)